Pug Gothic
Acrylic and digital, 2024
There has always been something so funny to me about Grant Wood’s American Gothic. The stern yet aloof expression of the man’s face partnered with the woman’s disappointed glare begged for my own version of the classic painting, thus Pug Gothic was born. There are many interpretations of what Wood was trying to portray with his work on Americana, and if the pair were husband and wife, brother and sister, or even just individuals of no relation on a working farm. The one connecting thread that is addressed in many theories is the surprised disappointment on the woman’s face. While I could provide you with a few theories of my own about the relationship, I am no art history buff, and using Dobby and Norbert as models was a no brainer. Dobby, my half pug half Pomchi (Pomeranian and Chihuahua) mix is one of the most agile, fun loving, yet fickle personalities I’ve ever met. He could be gently snuggling up to you one minute, then joyfully growling at you for attention in the next. His hot and cold temperament puzzles just about everyone he comes across, including is brother Norbert. In my day to day life, I see Norbert giving Dobby the look of perplexed disappointment more than once. I hope you enjoy this piece appropriately titled “Pug Gothic” as much as I enjoyed creating it. Recreating a painting already known to most of the world is never easy, but I’m really proud of this piece. I hope it makes you chuckle.
Tote bag