Andy’s School Picture
Acrylic and digital, 2024
The newest member of my grumble, Andy, is a rowdy, playful, and incredibly loving pug puppy. His original name was Sumo, possibly because at 20lbs, he is still one of the largest pugs I’ve ever met. Even though the name Sumo suited him frame wise, it never seemed fitting of his personality. He was so much of a love bug, constantly jumping up to give kisses. It was only during a weekend long binge of Comedy Central when the name Andy came to us. The 40-Year-Old Virgin was playing, and in a scene where Catherine Keener and Steve Carrell who plays Andy are kissing, Keener laughingly says, “You really like kissing huh?” My husband and I looked at each other, then at Andy, and knew.
This painting was Andy’s first portrait as part of the grumble, and when I painted it, it felt as if I were getting him ready for his first day of school or picture day. I don’t know about you, but when I think back to school pictures, I remember countless argyle sweaters and for the unfortunate few, a bow tie. Even though Andy never left the house in this getup, I just know that if this had been his school photo, he would be coming back home with a missing bow tie, a chewed up argyle sweater, and somehow be completely covered in mud.
Tote bag